Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Blues

It's the first week of January 2012 and I'm already getting the blues. Too many deadlines to meet before I welcome February in my life. I have my phd thesis to submit by the end of January and papers to write.

One thing for sure, I have just completed writing a proposal to MOHE requesting for grants for my next research project.

I have to start writing an abstract for a drama conference to be held in Ireland July this year. This the BEST conference that I have attended so far, and I don't wish to miss this meet with other drama practitioners throughout the world.

I have another paper to write for another conference in Phuket this year. I wish I can get both done by mid afternoon today. (It's 12 am now...) I have titles ringing in my head for both papers...I hope I can get a good night sleep tonight....(I normally have difficulty sleeping if I have "unfinished business" playing in my head.

And finally, more corrections to come before I finally complete my 10 chapters PhD thesis...I wish I have the strength to finish what I have started....


Adios, Amigos....!!!

1 comment:

Chech said...

All the best, Puan Hanim! Musim siapkan tugasan & thesis sekarang.